A few members have requested that the St John's Church Council vote on whether to enter a formal period of discernment. This would be to consider separating from the United Methodist Church. While this option was made available by the South Carolina Annual Conference primarily due to disagreements over human sexuality issues, it has also been used by churches to separate for other reasons.
Your church council has prepared a brief but important survey to gather your feedback about this decision. Please use the link below to answer five questions that will be discussed in our next church council session.
Please respond by October 31.
We understand that this issue can be emotional and stressful for many in our St John's family, and we ask for your prayers and respectful understanding as we work together to seek God's plan for our congregation.
Address: 515 S. McDuffie Street Anderson, SC 29624
Email: stjohns@stjohnsanderson.com
Phone: 864-224-6563